Friday, March 2, 2007


whenever i felt it was a smooth sailing...alas...something goes wrong...and when i thought that i was the most unprivileged and unluckiest person on this earth...well there comes a ray of hope...making this world look like heaven ...and the people around (even those whom we hate!
) as...well...angels!! :)

thats life...unpredictable.... unpretentious... sometimes killing...and sometimes... just like a dream...

i must be in love that life seems to me like a dream...hmmm...well...ya...i AM in love....but not with some handsome hunk or dude i saw and just couldnt keep my eyes off...whose just a mere presence makes your heart skip a beat...or whom i see with puppy love in my eyes!! (..well..thats what they show in all those romantic movies...dont they...ha ha...not my personal experience...;)...)

i m in love....with LIFE....

life makes you go through a gamut of emotions....liking....obsession...hatred... jealousy...compassion....generosity...possessiveness....and the most pious of them itself...when u just want to think about that person and noone else...when u just want to care for him or her...u just want him or her to be happy...( even at the cost of ur own happiness)...when u dream of growing old with that person...and dying in his or her arms...yes thats love...unselfish...unyielding....always forgiving...which hurts you but still, you just want to experience it....foever....and ever...(well...didnt copy this from a romantic novel or something...its something i believe in....and will always do....:))

but life is not only about emotions darling!! its a big package....with free gifts and sometimes...well defected pieces!! :)

success and defeats are a part of this cruel but fair game...if success puts u on cloud gives you another surprise....but an unpleasant one this time comes the defeat...which throws you back on ground..breaks a couple of bones of yours...(well not literally!!)...makes you face the harsh realities....and this is the time when you introspect...u think what went LEARN...

so why am i in love with life...i mean if it makes me happy then it makes me twice as much sad...well...why shouldnt i be in love has given me my friends...all my near and dear ones....because it always knew that i wont be able to face all the setbacks and defeats, alone...and so gave me the support system which is always there for matter what....:)

at last i just want to say that life is just a BIG book...with each page like a moment...and as you go on reading it, it keeps on surprising you...pleasantly and unpleasanlly...and you cant skip the pages which bring you sad moments... you have to read each and every have to live each and every moment....

wish we could skip some pages....right?!!

anyways....HAPPY READING!!