Sunday, May 12, 2013

More than a while..

Yeah..i should say that it has been more than a while since i shared something..or rather dear blog..
All i can say is that i got way too lost in the unimportant intricacies of life..
Why unimportant..?? well yeah.. haven't really been pursuing my true calling..that of an avid reader who loves to pen down her thoughts every now and then..rather have been busy running the rat race..or rather living life in tune with what my peers are doing..just following them..with no end objective in mind..
So have i been REALLY living my life? Scared to answer that because well may be i do know the answer! they say..past is past..future well no one knows..present is GIFT of better late than never! Right? :)
Stay tuned for more of me! Hopefully this time i would not betray you..
REMINISCENCE..Reminiscing forever..